🍃 Dev's Tea Reviews

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Anna Marie's Tea Review: Lung Ching Dragonwell Green

Site description:

Tea leaf is a classic Jing leaf. Flat, long and smooth. Lung Ching Dragonwell Green is known for its jade color, vegetative aroma and mellow chestnut-like flavor. Flavor is rich, nutty, satisfying. This particular tea has won awards for quality and comes from an organic tea plantation. Drink alone as a refreshing all-day tea or as a digestive after a heavy meal.


This tea comes with medium-sized narrow, flat leaves that are mostly unbroken. It has a strong chestnut and vegetal flavor - reminiscent of a savory spinach broth. There is a slightly astringent and bitter aftertaste, but it is not unpleasant while the tea is still hot. As it cools, more of the bitterness comes out - I'd be sure to consume this while it's hot, and do not oversteep to allow the light flavors to shine.

It is certainly unique, but I wouldn't re-buy this.

Note - don't drink this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning! It will cause nausea!

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