🍃 Dev's Tea Reviews

Greetings, delicious friends.

Anna Marie's Tea Review: Gojiberry Green with Pomegranate & Blueberries

Site description:

Our Gojiberry Green Tea is truly a delicious blend. The combination of Chinese Sencha Green tea, gojiberries, lemongrass, pomegranate and corn blossoms make Gojiberry Green extraordinary. Not to mention the three “superfood” ingredients; Gojiberry, Pomegranate, and Blueberry.

Depending upon tea leaf size, 1 oz of tea brews about 8-10 cups of tea.


Fairly light, fruity and floral taste - next time I'll try using more tea per steep with multiple steeps to get value out of the serving.

1.16.2024 Review update:

I tried using more tea this time to try to get a stronger taste.

This tea is best suited for Western-style brewing, but it can be tricky to nail the right temperature and time. It seems that fruits in teas respond better to extended amounts of time in very hot or boiling temperature, but green tea tends to be more fragile and gains bitterness quickly when steeped for too long or too hot of a temperature. Striking just the right balance in between may yield the perfect cup - but while my brews have produced a wonderfully fruity aroma, the taste has been coming out too watery and astringent for my liking. I suspect that this may be more suitable for a cold brewed/iced tea instead.

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